1. Start Here!

Welcome to Make My Flywheel, an interactive tool that will help you showcase the 360 degree view of how your company must focus on efforts to grow your business. You will be able to use this flywheel as a visual representation to remind yourself and team of the totality of all tactics it takes to truly grow a business.

To start, please choose two colors below that best represent your brand to give your flywheel some life.

2. Business Goal

What business goal are you hoping to achieve? For Striventa, it's helping our clients acquire customers... now tell us yours below:

3. Business Foundation

These are the bedrock elements that allow your tactics to happen. Click here to see the business foundation that Striventa believes all businesses need to be successful.

Now tell us how many business foundation elements you have and what they are:


4. Business Growth Tactics

A farmer plants, tills and waters to reap their harvest... click here to see what Striventa does to help our clients reap their harvest.

Now tell us what tactics you believe will help you grow your business:


5. Congratulations, Your Flywheel Is Complete!

Pat yourself on the back, you now understand the key components it takes to really grow your business.

Fill out your information below to download and share your flywheel.

WedgeLabelWedgeLabelWedgeLabel Business FoundationBusiness FoundationBusiness Foundation
Business Goal
WedgeLabelWedgeLabelWedgeLabelWedgeLabelWedgeLabelWedgeLabel Growth TacticGrowth TacticGrowth TacticGrowth TacticGrowth TacticGrowth Tactic